Luke 10 verses, 38-42, (below) tells the story of Jesus’ visit to the home of Martha. Martha‘s sister Mary was there that day too with the Lord and His disciples. Martha was busy (Jesus says distracted) preparing food and drinks, straightening up and cleaning while Mary, her sister, sat at the feet of Jesus, listening to what He was saying to everyone. It’s important that He says distracted. From what? The Creator God was in the living room and she is worried about snacks! This agitated, Martha, so she came into the other room, and said Lord, why don’t you tell my sister to get off or tush and get in here and help me. (my translation)

Jesus looked at Martha and said, Martha Martha, (big sigh) what you’re doing is good, but what Mary is doing is best or important. 

Martha was engaged in something that would make her feel good about being a good host and concerned with temporal things. Mary was completely wrapped up with the Lord. So tunnel focused and engaged that she didn’t know that her sister was wrapped up in putting together a charcuterie board for Jesus, Lol.

Now, is there something wrong with being a good host and wanting things to be nice and your guests to feel welcome and taken care of? Not at all. Our lives are constantly filled with choices of what is ok and what is best. But Jesus would tell us, I would rather you be that engaged with me in your life, prioritizing and organizing, thinking first of Me. Are we at the center of Gods will?

Jesus really didn’t care if the kitchen was straight or if there was a nice food spread and drinks. He honestly didn’t really care much about eating. He said my food is to do the will of God, and be engaged with my creation. I think we get things backwards sometimes.

Let me encourage you to get up a little earlier (that may mean you go to sleep a little earlier), take the first half an hour before you begin your day to get with the Lord in prayer and Bible study, do a little exercise, get your shower and then start your day. You will get everything done and you’ll have less frustration while doing it, I guarantee it.

2 thoughts on “WHAT IS GOOD? WHAT IS BETTER?”

    1. Thank you for your kind words. The Lord has taught me a lot through difficulties in my life. I only hope that I can help others heal and grow in their relationship with Christ. Maybe you will tell others about this blog and my book Discover Victory in the Meaning of Your Life. If you don’t mind, from where are you located?

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